Bowls Australia announces changes to upcoming major events
Bowls Australia (BA) has announced the following actions in relation to the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic.
The information below follows the recent announcements of the indefinite postponement of the 2020 World Bowls Championships and the recommended suspension of all grassroots bowls events.
2020 World Bowls Championships
May 26 – June 7
Gold Coast, QLD
Controlling body World Bowls (WB) and host nation Bowls Australia (BA) have agreed that the 2020 World Bowls Championships be postponed indefinitely.
The intention remains to stage the event at an appropriate time in the future, however, given the current climate around the uncertainty related to the coronavirus, WB and BA are unable to provide an official confirmation of rescheduled dates at this stage.
We encourage those who have made travel arrangements to seek to cancel those plans where possible.
RELEASE: 2020 World Bowls Championships to be postponed indefinitely (March 17, 2020)
2020 Australian Open
June 13 – 26
Gold Coast, QLD
This year’s instalment of the annual Australian Open has been cancelled.
While the short-term future of the coronavirus’ impact is uncertain, it is envisaged the event will re-commence on the Gold Coast from 2021.
All entry fee payments for this year’s event will be refunded as soon as practicable.
Again, we encourage those who have made travel arrangements to seek to cancel those plans where possible.
- Airline offerings in relation to changed/cancelled flights
- 2020 Australian Open entry fees to be refunded in full
BCiB Australian Jackaroos – UK Tour
July 1 – 21
England, UK
The planned BCiB Australian Jackaroos tour of the United Kingdom has been cancelled, amid the current and growing restrictions on travel both here in Australian and around the world.
2020 Australian Indoor Championships
August 17 – 20
Tweed Heads, NSW
This year’s instalment of the annual Australian Indoor Championships has been cancelled.
Following BA’s recent recommendation of the immediate suspension of club events, the majority of states and territories have enacted these recommendations as strict measures, putting their related qualifying events for the 2020 Australian Indoor Championships in jeopardy of being run, and therefore making the national event untenable for this year.
The Nationals
October 2 – 16
Broadbeach, QLD
At this stage, no decision has been made on the status of The Nationals, including the Australian Multi-Disability Championships.