Bowls Disaster Relief Fund

In early 2011, Bowls Australia, in partnership with its state and territory associations, established the Bowls Disaster Relief Fund to aid its clubs in times of need.

With natural disasters regularly threatening Australia, clubs will be able to access the funds via an application process through Bowls Australia, with 100% of all sums to be redirected to those clubs in need.


Applications for the Bowls Disaster Relief Fund are open for clubs who have been affected by recent natural disasters.

Clubs can apply for up to $3,000 which will be assessed by Bowls Australia, depending on the
circumstances and the details contained within the application.

Funding Guidelines

The funding guidelines outlined below have been developed to provide information about eligibility,
what can and cannot be funded. If you are interested in seeking funding from the disaster relief fund
you should read these guidelines first.

Restoring social networks and functioningFunding can be used to hold a community event or social activity, keep communities informed, record the disaster event as part of local history, or to develop skills and networks that build capacity for the future.
Restoring community facilitiesFunding can be used to repair or reinstate the structure of a damaged facility, or to repair or replace damaged fittings and equipment integral to the function of a facility.
Replenishing loss of equipmentFunding can be used to replace bowls equipment lost or damaged during the natural disaster.

Application process

Step 1 – Submit Application Form to Bowls Australia (email –

Step 2 – Bowls Australia acknowledges application.

Step 3 – Outcome delivered to club within 14 days.

Step 4 – Clubs to issue invoice to Bowls Australia if application is successful.


Donations to the Bowls Disaster Relief Fund can be made via:

Direct payment

Account Name: Disaster Relief Account
BSB: 013-332
Account No:  2488-26455


BLEST Wines by Barrie Lester is a range of wines, beer and cider that is produced by Steve’s Liquor and Barrie Lester, supported by Bowls Australia.

The sale of BLEST Wines contributes to Bowls Australia’s Disaster Relief Fund.