Should you have a coaching related enquiry, please contact:
- Ellen Falkner – Para High Performance & Coach Development Manager Ellen Falkner MBE
Subscribe to Bowls Australia’s quarterly coaching newsletter by clicking here.
Coaches play a vital role in developing athletes through sport. They provide athletes with the skills and knowledge needed to develop, improve and succeed. More often than not, coaches have a major influence on participants and their enjoyment of their chosen sport.
Coaches who are accredited through the National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS) are recognised by BA, their State and Territory Association and the Sport Australia. As exceptions for safety and ethical behaviour within coaching continue to increase, it has become increasingly important that all coaches are training and accredited.
It is recommended that all coaches continue their education to ensure the most appropriate and up-to-date knowledge and coaching techniques are being used.
A list of ASC endorsed coaching courses can be located on Bowls Australia’s BowlsLearn e-learning platform here.