New Law Book now available
Bowls Australia (BA), in consultation with the National Officiating Advisory Group (NOAG) and World Bowls (WB), has launched the latest edition of the Laws of the Sport (Crystal Mark Version 3.1).
The new edition includes updates to the Domestic Regulations (DRs) in particular DR 2; Bowls Australia Policies and; changes to the Index.
DR 2 has been rewritten to make the requirements for substitutes and replacement players simpler and more easily understood as well as some changes to maintain participation after withdrawal of players.
The new DR allows for Controlling Bodies to approve changes to the players nominated to form teams before the first round has been played.
This change will reduce the need for teams to forfeit in the first round when players who have nominated are no longer able to play.
Domestic regulations must follow the WB – Laws of the Sport and member nations are given permission to apply local domestic regulations according to Law 57.1.
The Laws of the Sport cannot be contracted out.
All future events run by BA after the publication of the Laws of the Sport (Crystal Mark Version 3.1) will be conducted in line with Version 3.1.
BA’s expectation is that each State and Territory will set a date for introducing the changes, prior to the start of any upcoming pennant season and will also consider for any upcoming events in 2019.
Full implementation is expected by January 1, 2020. STAs will be able to purchase stock from BA as usual at the same cost as before ($7.00 per unit).
Please contact in regards to sales and purchases. The new book will also be available to the public for $9.00 via the BA e-store. If you have any queries regarding this matter, please contact Kim Keating or Andrew Gommers at Bowls Australia on 03 9480 7100.