Short Ends: World Bowls Championships Edition – Corey Wedlock

by Val Febbo on April 20, 2023

The Right at Home Jackaroos World Bowls Championships team share some information that you might not have known about them in the past.

Next up, Corey Wedlock.

Earliest bowls memory: Playing in the rookie singles as an eight-year-old at Bondi Bowling Club.

Finest moment on the green: Making my debut for Australia.

Favourite dish: Chicken Parmigiana

AFL or NRL: NRL, is that even a question?

Tea or coffee: Coffee

Career/work inspiration: My dad.

First celebrity crush: Hilary Duff

Three items you couldn’t live without and why: Phone, phone charger and air conditioner. Love my phone because there’s always something happening and I’m addicted to the aircon.

Outside of bowls what would be your dream job? Professional Rugby League player

Favourite non-bowls athlete and why: Roger Federer

Favourite movie: Happy Gilmore

Favourite TV show: Big Brother

Cats or dogs: Dogs

Which player would be the most likely to be invited to Coach Gary Willis’ house for dinner? I reckon I’m a chance. If not it would have to be the Bruv Aaron Wilson

What reality show would you like to appear on? Big Brother

Funniest Jackaroo & why: Barrie Lester is probably the most quick witted.

What music revs you up? Don’t mind a bit of Eminem

Your biggest pet peeve & why? People walking past the rink when on mat gets to me haha.

Proudest non-bowls accomplishment: Moving six hours away from home and Dad to Sydney at 18.

Which teammate is most likely to forget their keys? Jesse Norononha

Playstation, Xbox or Nintendo: PlayStation

Favourite social media app: I’m fan of all but Snapchat and Facebook are my main ones.

Most embarrassing memory you have: I used to cry when I was younger at my birthday party when everyone sang me Happy Birthday.

Ideal holiday destination and why: Maldives looks unbelievable. Just need Aaron Wilson’s contract.