Short Ends: World Bowls Championships Edition – Damien Delgado

by Bowls Australia on April 18, 2023

The Right at Home Jackaroos World Bowls Championships team share some information that you might not have known about them in the past.

Next up, Damien Delgado.

Earliest bowls memory: Watching Nan and Pop playing at Cabarita Beach bowls Club.

Finest moment on the green: Playing the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.

Favourite dish: Steak, eggs and chips

AFL or NRL: Both

Tea or coffee: Coffee

Career/work inspiration: Love being at home with the kids. Wouldn’t change it for anything.

First celebrity crush: Britney Spears

Three items you couldn’t live without and why: Wheelchair, Red Bull and milk.

Outside of bowls what would be your dream job? Professional soccer player

Favourite non-bowls athlete and why: Cristiano Ronaldo. He’s just the man.

Favourite movie: Scarface

Favourite TV show: Seinfeld

Cats or dogs: Dogs

Which player would be the most likely to be invited to Coach Gary Willis’ house for dinner? Ronald McDonald

What reality show would you like to appear on? Survivor

Funniest Jackaroo & why: Carl Healey – loves a stitch up.

What music revs you up? Pantera, Korn and Millincolin.

Your biggest pet peeve & why? People trying to push me in my wheelchair.

Proudest non-bowls accomplishment: My wife and kids.

Which teammate is most likely to forget their keys? Lynsey Clarke

Playstation, Xbox or Nintendo: Playstation

Favourite social media app: Facebook

Most embarrassing memory you have: Running a bear foot bowls day with 100 people, first person sent the jack down and I was going backwards in my wheelchair. I stopped too quickly and ended up tipping my wheelchair over and feel out in the middle of the green. I just remember looking into the night sky, it all happened in slow motion.

Ideal holiday destination and why: Maldives – looks beautiful and relaxing.