Short Ends: World Bowls Championships Edition – James Reynolds

by Val Febbo on April 28, 2023

The Right at Home Jackaroos World Bowls Championships team share some information that you might not have known about them in the past.

Next up, James Reynolds.

Earliest bowls memory: Rolling up as much as possible at Pambula Beach Bowling Club and later being joined by my parents and grandparents.

Finest moment on the green: Most recently was winning the B7/8 National Singles after a number of years away. Also anytime representing Australia.

Favourite dish: Lately, anything I can cook on my Weber.

AFL or NRL: NRL always

Tea or coffee: Neither

Career/work aspiration: Any role that allows me to help other reach their goals.

First celebrity crush: Anna Kournikova

Three items you couldn’t live without and why: St George Illawarra dragons attire – just to torture myself, car cushion – just so I can drive a car safely and not scare all other drivers, glasses – getting old these days

Outside of bowls what would be your dream job? Any job that enabled me to work in sport or disability assisting others

Favourite non-bowls athlete and why: Was always Federer, MJ and Tiger because they all maximised their amazing natural talent through dedication to hard work.

Favourite movie: Recently, Top Gun Maverick – my wife is over me watching it for the 1000th time.

Favourite TV show: Two and a Half Men and Big Bang Theory

Cats or dogs: Dogs

Which player would be the most likely to be invited to Coach Gary Willis’ house for dinner? Not me as he tells anyone that will listen I do not shout.

What reality show would you like to appear on? Absolutely none I can think of

Funniest Jackaroo & why: Damien Delgado – love watching him stir up anyone and everyone

What music revs you up? Avenged Sevenfold, Guns and Roses

Your biggest pet peeve & why? Internet cutting out when watching Sport online

Proudest non-bowls accomplishment: Getting Married to my wife Nicole

Which teammate is most likely to forget their keys? Not sure – possibly me!

Playstation, Xbox or Nintendo: None

Favourite social media app: Facebook for Live Streaming of bowls matches

Most embarrassing memory you have: Being oblivious to accidentally wearing a wrist sweatband inside my Australian cap during my first ever televised match whilst it protruded out causing everyone to constantly ask, “What is in Jimmy’s hat?” Highly amusing for others, not so much for me.

Ideal holiday destination and why: Thailand – great weather and easy to relax